La Habra/Chino Hills, CA – Patients have many questions when they start orthodontic treatment. Will braces hurt? Will my diet have to change? Dr. Robert Gire of Gire Orthodontics is often asked if braces will make his patients look different. As with most things in life, there isn’t a straightforward answer for this question as it depends on multiple variables.
“Certain malocclusions can have an effect not just on our bites but on our outward appearances, too,” says Dr. Gire, a Chino Hills orthodontist.
“Your face changes based on how your body reacts to your orthodontic treatment,” says Dr. Gire. “Orthodontic treatment is unique to each person. The amount of change you may notice in your overall appearance will also be unique.”
“The most obvious way braces will change your appearance is by providing a straighter smile. But there may be more subtle differences you could notice, depending on the issue we are correcting. Even these subtle changes can improve your jawline and provide a more symmetrical appearance.”
Most Common Facial Differences After Braces
Orthodontic treatment can absolutely bring about beautiful changes to your smile and bite. But did you know that it can also make subtle changes to your face? Orthodontic treatment will not make you look like a different person but the result may lead to a more symmetrical facial appearance depending on the nature of the orthodontic treatment rendered.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common facial differences that may be noticed after orthodontic treatment.
Your nose. While braces do not in any way affect your nose itself, treatment could alter the look of your profile. So, even though we haven’t touched your nose, it could appear to look altered based on the issue being corrected. For example, if we reduce the amount of protrusion or proclination of your front teeth (so they don’t stick out so far), it may appear that your nose may be larger even though it’s not moving. It’s your teeth that moved back.
Your lips. Braces don’t make changes to the lips but they do make changes to the teeth behind the lips, so correcting the alignment of your teeth may alter the look of your lips. For people with underbites, properly aligned teeth may make your lips look bigger. And you may notice while you are in treatment that your lips look a bit fuller. That’s because they are sitting on the brackets and wires instead of just the teeth, which can push them out slightly, giving the appearance of fullness.
Your face shape. For some patients, braces may alter their jawline and shape of their mouth. This can then give them a bit of a different facial appearance. If you have an overbite, it may look like you have a weak or undefined lower jaw. On the opposite end, an underbite may make your lower jaw appear much more prominent and can even make your cheeks appear sunken in. Correcting these issues may alter your face shape, bringing your face into more harmony.
Your mouth. If you have an open bite, it may be difficult to fully close your mouth. Correcting this will alter your mouth, ensuring it can close properly, which may then alter how your mouth looks to others. Open bites can also make your lips look spread out and stretched, so once it is corrected you may notice a change in your appearance.
How Braces Change Your Face
The orthodontic experience takes the entire facial anatomy into account when developing treatment plans. Your orthodontist is looking not only at how to straighten your teeth but how to improve your jawline, ensure your lips fit together comfortably, and improve your facial profile.
Most people probably don’t notice if their faces are perfectly symmetrical. But if you have significant discrepancies in jaw growth, symmetry issues are much more obvious.
These issues are much easier to correct in younger patients who have the benefit of a jaw that is still growing. Early interceptive orthodontics (Phase I treatment) can address discrepancies and guide jaw growth to correct facial imbalances. Orthodontic treatment can still be successful for older patients, however, surgery may be required to address jaw discrepancies.
How Common Malocclusions Affect Facial Appearance
Let’s look at the most common malocclusions and how they can change facial appearance.
Underbites occur when the bottom teeth overlap the top teeth. This makes a patient’s chin extend farther than it should, resulting in the lower jaw appearing too forward. Orthodontic treatment can help the lower jaw align with the upper jaw to prevent that protrusive appearance.
Overbites occur when the upper teeth stick too far over the bottom teeth. They give the appearance of a weak or underdeveloped chin. Orthodontic treatment will help correct the bite, providing a stronger jawline as the teeth are aligned.
Open bites occur when the back teeth touch but the front teeth don’t. They can make the patient’s lips and mouth appear open and unnatural. The lips may appear “incompetent” and the mouth may not be able to close properly. Orthodontic treatment can help correct the alignment and level the bite to allow the lips and mouth to close properly.
Correction of the above may or may not involve the removal of teeth during orthodontic treatment. When orthodontists remove teeth, the patient may see more changes related to facial appearance depending on the specific mechanics of tooth movement. There may still be noticeable changes in facial symmetry without removal of teeth but that is rarer than not.
In some rare cases, orthodontists may need to move the jaws, in addition to the teeth, to obtain proper alignment. These are the cases where you’ll see the largest and more dramatic facial changes.
One of the most significant ways braces change your appearance is through increased confidence. If you’ve hidden a smile because it made you self-conscious, orthodontic treatment will give you the confidence boost to proudly show off your new smile. Your friends and family will love seeing you proudly show off your new grin!
“The biggest thing you will notice about yourself after treatment is a boost in self-esteem,” says Dr. Gire. “My patients love to show off their new smiles, so they happily smile more often. This will probably be the biggest thing people notice about your appearance.”
When creating your treatment plan, Dr. Gire carefully considers every part of your mouth to ensure your result is a stunning smile and properly aligned bite. If you’ve been living with a less than ideal smile or your child is ready for orthodontic treatment, schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Gire to see what orthodontic treatment can do for you, call Gire Orthodontics today at 562-690-1199 (La Habra) or 909-393-9911 (Chino Hills).
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